Sonntag 3. November '24 Einlass: 15:00 Beginn: 15:30 - Jazzkeller 69 zu Gast in
Industriesalon Schöneweide [Reinbeckstr. 9, 12459 Berlin-Schöneweide]
Herbie Nichols SUNG Berlin Edition

Photo: Deneka Peniston
Fay Victor – Gesang
Michaël Attias – Altsaxophon
Tobias Delius – Tenorsaxophon/Klarinette
Achim Kaufmann – Klavier
Nick Dunston – Bass
Die New Yorker Vokalistin Fay Victor widmet sich seit fast 30 Jahren den Kompositionen des wegweisenden, früh verstorbenen Jazzkomponisten Herbie Nichols, für die sie eigene Songtexte schrieb.
Zusammen mit Misha Mengelberg, Rosell Rudd, im Trio mit Tobias Delius und Achim Kaufmann und vor allem mit ihrer langjährigen Formation Herbie Nichols SUNG brachte sie ihre Interpretationen von Nichols‘ Musik zu Gehör, zuletzt auf der viel beachteten Platte Life Is Funny That Way.
Im Industriesalon wird Fay Victor dieses Programm zusammen mit vier herausragenden Improvisatoren und musikalischen Weggefährten dem Berliner Publikum vorstellen.
„Fay Victor is the rare singer who can demonstrate and interact with the deep vocal tradition while also delving into the daring freedoms that have long been the province of instrumentalists to explore. She does all of this while telling stories with her lyrics as well. To top it off, her vocal tone and control have never sounded better…This is Fay Victor’s best recording to date, not because it encounters “the tradition” but because it looks at a great composer from the past and reimagines the tradition as part of the music’s daring vanguard.“
~ Will Layman, (9/10)
„An avant-garde Nina Simone with the performance punch of Betty Carter, Victor’s unabashed acrobatics mesmerize…“
~ Andy Cowan, MOJO Magazine (4 STARS)
“In 2013, Victor formed Herbie Nichols SUNG, the first Nichols repertory project led by a black or female musician. It’s very much her vision – and the arrangements are as inventive as they are tight. In an inspired move, Victor has set lyrics to Nichol’s compositions, adding new layers of meaning”
~ Steve Smith, The Wire
He (Herbie Nichols) was not well known in his lifetime, but today he’s considered one of the great unsung jazz composers. Victor started writing lyrics for his tunes, performing them with the Herbie Nichols Sung band she put together in New York City in 2013. She’s now recorded 11 of these compositions and they’re outstanding.
~ J. Poet, DownBeat Magazine (4 STARS)
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